Monday, August 20, 2012

Thank you!

I am thankful each day of my life for whatever I have! I have so much of happiness that I can't consolidate. My blessings are in plenty. As I wake up, I thank the universe that I woke up alive till I sleep at night. Through out the day, everything that I do is an outcome of my thoughts. Anything that I want must happen will happen if I focus on it. But there is so much other stuff that happens that pulls me down, weakens me and crumbles me to pieces, wonder why? I immediately adopt my attitude of gratitude and then begin to count my blessings and feel as much gratitude as I can. I thank the universe for the electricity and it's comforts I enjoy, I thank the universe for the weather I enjoy, I thank the universe for my sons and I thank and just thank! Thanking is magical and it's effect is even better. So start thanking and feel it right from heart because a thank you can get you all that you want!

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Louder than the loud is to make everything clear by saying it just the way it is. With the absence of hyperboles and understatements I want to express myself truly... A diamond is a diamond and can never be a spade. So with my 'in your face attitude' I put across all my ideas and day to day experiences loud before you.